The Bridal Bouquets

The Bridal Bouquets

Three marriages, three divorces... Can Victoire Desmeules really hope to find happiness in a fourth union? With each toss of the bouquet, she has tried... and failed. Even her only son finds himself cast aside in her desperate quest for love.   Ambitious, career-driven, Victoire sacrifices everything for success, only to lose it all - her youth along with her fortune. From one marriage to the next, her dreams collapse, finally chipping away her sanity in spite of the efforts of her sister Suzelle, to save her. But what is the real cause of her despair? The never ending succession of one-night stands, the need to drown her memories in alcohol, the constant compulsion to love with her body and never with her soul!   Provocative, touching, at times shocking, The Bridal Bouquets is the story of a woman whose cries of anguish evoke compassion even as they repel - a woman whose troubled life may, finally, prove that there are those who were simply not born to be happy.

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Sobre el autor

Denis Monette

Natif de Montréal, Denis Monette est l'un des romanciers les plus lus au Québec et dans la francophonie des autres provinces. Avec plus d'un demi-million d'exemplaires vendus - ses romans sont tous des best-sellers -, on ne saurait passer sous silence des titres tels que Adèle et Amélie, Les parapluies du diable, Les bouquets de noces, Marie Mousseau 1937-1957, Un purgatoire, Et Mathilde chantait, La maison des regrets, Par un si beau matin, sans oublier sa trilogie qui se compose de L'ermite, Pauline Pinchaud, servante, et Le rejeton, qui fut acclamée partout. De plus, l'auteur a publié au cours des ans six recueils de billets, desquels émane une belle philosophie de la vie. Pour joindre M. Monette par courriel :

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