Myrna Kostash

Born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta, award-winning non-fiction writer Myrna Kostash is the author of ten books, including All of Baba’s Children and The Doomed Bridegroom: A Memoir. In addition to contributing articles to magazines such as Geist, Canadian Geographic, and Literary Review of Canada, Kostash has written radio documentaries and theatre playscripts. Her creative non-fiction has appeared in numerous Canadian and international anthologies, such as The Thinking Heart: Best Canadian Essays, Slice Me Some Truth: An Anthology of Canadian Creative Nonfiction, Desire: Women Write About Wanting, Literatura na S´wiecie (Warsaw), and Mostovi (Belgrade).

A founder of the Creative Nonfiction Collective, Kostash has also served as president of the Writers' Guild of Alberta and as chair of the Writers' Union of Canada. In 2008 the Writers Guild of Alberta presented her with the Golden Pen Award for lifetime achievement, and in 2009 she was inducted into the City of Edmonton’s Arts and Culture Hall of Fame. In 2010 she received the Writers’ Trust of Canada Matt Cohen Award. Her latest book, Prodigal Daughter: A Journey into Byzantium, was released in 2010 by the University of Alberta Press. She is at work on a public family history about her grandparents.