Eleven Canadian Novelists Interviewed by Graeme Gibson

Eleven Canadian Novelists Interviewed by Graeme Gibson

Originally published in 1970, Eleven Canadian Novelists Interviewed by Graeme Gibson is a collection of candid and wide-ranging interviews with Canadian writers, including Alice Munro, Mordecai Richler, Margaret Laurence, and more.

With the intuition of an insider, Gibson asks the important questions: In what way is writing important to you? Do writers know something special? Does he or she have any responsibility to society? The result is a fascinating and immensely readable series of conversations with famed writers at the beginning of their careers.

The A List edition will feature a new introduction by Graeme Gibson and interviews with the following authors:
Margaret Atwood
Austin Clarke
Matt Cohen
Marian Engel
Timothy Findley
Dave Godfrey
Margaret Laurence
Jack Ludwig
Alice Munro
Mordecai Richler
Scott Symons

Détails du livre

À propos de l'auteur

Graeme Gibson

Graeme Gibson is the acclaimed author of Five Legs, Communion, Perpetual Motion, and Gentleman Death. He is a long-time cultural activist, and co-founder of the Writers’ Union of Canada and the Writers’ Trust. He lives in Toronto.


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